Friday, July 30, 2010

Chapter 14

           I woke up staring at a bright light. I blinked a couple of times and sat up. I yawned and streched realizing I left the light on. I looked over to my left to see Nahuel sleeping soundly on his bed. Obviously he didn't bother turning off the light or maybe he was using it. I reached over and turned it off. I looked at the alarm clock and held back a yawn. It was only 7:42 in the morning. I knew the only reason why I woke up early was because I fell asleep. I got up and quietly walked to the cafeteria in my pajamas. I got use to going in there with my pajamas on because everyone else did the same thing. I sat near the window and stared off into space as I ate. I still don't understand this. Why did she make me read it? maybe she wants me to read the whole section. Maybe It'll come to me then.
                A clacking of a tray onto a table made me snap back to reality with a tired looking adam sitting across from me. " Good morning." he said with a yawn. I giggled and said " why are you up so early?" He snickered " I can ask you the same thing."  he replied. I rolled my eyes and said " Honestly its probably because I went to sleep early." he smiled and said " yea you did. I am up because I had a nightmare. Been having them all week." he rolled his eyes and began munching on his cereal. "Why?" Concern shown in my voice. " I don't know it just happens form time to time." " Is it about your past?" He shook his head and shrugged " Sometimes but this is different." I nodded for him to continue. " I don't know if its going to happen or if it has but the dreams are about students here getting sick and losing all their blood and dying in the most hideous ways. Its so disturbing I'm lucky to be even eating."
                 "It sounds disturbing." I said trying to think of it. He smirked and said " you don't even know the half of it.' I rolled my eyes and muttered "Im glad I don't." " Find anything useful last night?" he asked. I shrugged and said " unless of course you count them taking out mother earth out of their lives then nope." He chuckled darkly and said " yea well I'm glad they did." " Then why is this school here?" I asked stubbornly. He shrugged and said " maybe you should continue to read." I nodded and whispered " yea maybe." I then rememered something about yesterday " hey aren't we gonna go show her our powers today?" He nodded and remarked  "I'm surprised you remember." I faked laughed and mummbled " yea well it's not the only thing I remember.'' he laughed and I stared at him. " what?" he asked stubbornly. " you should smile more often it doesn't give you that creepy look." I got up and took my stuff.  He followed and said "whats that suppose to mean?" I shrugged and said " I dunno."
           As we got back to the dorms the others were awake and headed our way. " I am so excited for today." Alessia said excitedly. " we are going to get break fast and head to Professer Massacres class. okay?" Crimson asked us making sure we understood. I nodded and said " We are just going to get ready and wait for you guys." Scarlet nodded and both left to catch up with the others. I looked  over my shoulder to tell adam something but he was already gone. I shook my head and went to get changed.


                   Once everyone was done we all headed to the same room. " would we be split up once this is over with?" Xavior asked. Apollo nodded " yes but we will be able to stay in contact with each other though. jeez did any of you read the handbook they gave you when you first arrived?" Artimis asked. We shook our heads no " see we aren't much of a read and learn type of group we are mor of a look and read and learn type." phi said. Apollo thought about that and said " okay that makes some sense not alot though." " To listen or not to listen is the question." I said giggling. " So true there." Tsuritsa said. We made it to Professer Massacares class and found not that many people there. I smiled and walked causally over to her with everyone else. " I have been expecting you guys." she said with a knowing look.
                 " We'd Like to prove our powers to you." Amaya said blunty. " well one things for sure you won't have to." she said smiling at her. " you alreay proved yourself when you wrote the description and the prophecy to the pitcure in the text book." she got up and called some people and once she hung up she motioned for us to follow her. She lead us into the main office of the building and went to the last door all the way at the end of the hall. she smiled and unlocked the door. Inside waited the principal and Clarisse. " you guys are sure your up to this?" Clarssie asked clearly nervous for our sake. we nodded determination in our eyes. "Alright. glad to see determination in your eyes.lets begin." said the principal motioning for the door.

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