Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Chapter 4

( just in case you are wondering they have weekend homework and studing for tests they will get..and stuff so yea and sorry for spelling errors!)

I stopped at the libary door and looked through the window. I saw our friends sitting there whispering, doing homework and studing. I sighed. I began to wonder how long they would wait before they would force us to go there? not wanting to think about it I opened the door and ayi, michiyo and I walked over to the table. Phi looked up at us  and gave us a light smile. that was it for the conversation. they had stopped whispering and continued to do the homework and the studying quietly. I looked at everyone at the table and I realized that they to had something to hide. wanting to know what it was I looked at phi and sensing my stare she looked at me and I whispered " what is it phi?" she shook her head and continued to work on her homework. I looked at her worried and too the others to see if they knew. Rei, Amaya , Miki, Eric, Jack and kaze looked at each other and then at me. "We'd tell you guys but we can't."
As if a bomb had blown up ayi said a little to loudly " you mean you got it to?"  shhing noices came from around the libary and ayi blushed in embarrasement. We all stared at her and ayi rolled her eyes and said " michi, yume dont stare at me like that." she took  hers out and showed them " see we got the same letter!" she said whispering excitedly. "yea. what did you guys get?" rei asked interested now. "I'm a shapeshifter, yume's a  spellcaster and ayi's a vampire."Kaze smirked. " funny. rei aren't you a vampire as well." she smiled and nodded her head like  she was head banging. kaze continued " Im an animal shifter." I giggled cutting him off and whsipered " no surprise there."
he rolled his eyes and continued. " Jack and eric are elementals, miki is a lycan, amaya is a phyisc. and you know rei." I stood up and whispered " thanks to you guys I have made up my mind good bye life hello spellcasting!" they nodded and we grabbed our stuff and headed to the dorms. We all filed into one room and I gave everyone the number. We decided to do it all at the same time, and if we couldnt one at a time. we promised each other though that no matter what happens we will stay by each other side. even if it meant hogging the phone line until we were finished and waiting for everyone else to finish. We all pressed call and waited for the voice to pick up. At the same time the voice said Thank you for calling. If you have accepted the offer press one. we all pressed one. we could all hear the smile in her voice. wise choice young ones. you have quite the journey ahead of you. you know the cost of which the journey you have ahead yes?
  everyone looked at me and I pretened to faint. I got back up and they all stared at me. I mouthed the word die and they all understood immieditly. "yea." I said anwsering for us. good. tommorow not only will you die the death fate has chosen to you, but you will also be reborn as the mythical beings you were destined to be. good night and we'll see you tommorow. the line went dead and we all looked at each other " well looks like we have a big day ahead of us tommorow.." rei murmmured. We all said our goodbyes and considering we had no idea weather we should pack or not we didn't. if they wanted us to pack we will. as for now our only concern was spending our last day here the best day we ever had. and that meant sleep over.