Thursday, July 22, 2010

chapter 9

( sorry for spelling errors and please enjoy the story )

The aching pain in back is what woke me up the next morning. I groaned as I sat up. Everyone was in the same room and there were feathers everywhere. I looked at the pillows. It didnt come from them because our pillows are fine. Feeling curious I got up and looked to find where the feathers had come from. I found my answer by the bed where ayi and amaya were laying on. there was about fifteen different pillows all broken laying in a pile.
I rolled my eyes and quietly left the room making sure to pass over the people who were laying on the floor. The dorm had seemed pretty empty but I  figured that classes dont start till some time later. I walked into the cafetera to find a few people there. They seemed to acknowledge my presence by nodding their heads and one girl even said good morning. I got my breakfast and sat down at a random table. my memories were coming back but very slowly. the only thing I can remember now was the poem from amayas dream.
Maybe it meant something? maybe it was a message saying we were suppose to come here. I don't know and I figured I didn't want to know. "um, good morning." said a girl with light brown hair and gray eyes. I looked up at her and said "good morning." "may I sit here?" she asked nodding to an empty seat. I nodded and sat down. " I'm artimis. Nice to meet you." I nodded and said " I'm yume nice to meet you." " is that the new name you chose or the same old one?" she asked. looks like she knew about the name changing thing. " its the old one. I dont know when I'll be able to change my name yet." she nodded.
" you started here yesterday right?" she asked. I nodded. "cool. Ive been here a year now." we smiled at each other and continued to talk about nothing. Two guys came up to the table and without looking at me the taller one said "come artimis we need to go." she nodded and said good bye too me and left. I got up and left a few minuites later. I entered my room and changed. Seeing everyone getting up and heading for breakfast I walked over to them and said " good morning sleepy heads." they gave me tired smiles and ayi replied " good morning." " how'd you sleep?" " terrible." said rei and ayi. I laughed. " wow awkward much?" amaya asked. they agreed and left ayi stay behind. " Before I leave for breakfast I wanted tot alk to you about my dream." she said with a light smile. I nodded. I knew she didnt like to hide things so she usually blurts them out one way or another.
We sat down on the couch and she began to tell me with amazing detail " So I was driving along the highway and it was late at night. I think I was coming home from doing something.'' she looked at me and I nodded for her to continue. " and I didnt see this other car coming from some direction because there was no warning all I remember is the car flipping and rolling over." she made hand movements in the way the car moved. " but I realized I was dead yet. and I was somewhere away from the car. so I tried getting up and moving away from the car that hit me. but then." she stopped like she was seeing it for the first time. " but then when I began to movethe car just exploded out of no where and when I looked over I saw that the person who made me get into the accident was the one who saw it. apperently they saw me and came running toward me with something in their hands. I couln't move for some reason and when the guy got to me and then the person -" she stopped putting her hand to her head.
I looked at her knowing of what she was going to say " they got you in the head didnt they." she nodded. "the person more likely slammed something hard against it." she looked me sadly and sad " you know whats the weird part. thats exactly how I died to."

1 comment:

  1. awesome!!! the perfectly horrored yet entertaining death!!! ^-^
