Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Chapter 6:

As we walked inside we were awe struck at how the place reminded us of a hotel lobby.  "Hello childern." the voice from online and the phone spoke up. We turned to see a deathly pale lady, with blonde hair and eyes as black as the night. "hey your that voice." rei said staring right at her. she nodded. "yes. now give me your tickets and leave your stuff there." we did as we were told. she led us to a hallway with only one door. when she unlocked and opened the door it was a white room with ten doors. "well see you guys on the other side." Amaya mumbled. "okay. all you guys have to do is go into the room and I'll do the rest." we nodded and we each walked into the different rooms.
I took a deep breath and said to myslef " alright lets get this over with." I closed my eyes and when I opened up again I was on an airplane.  I looked around and sighed and said " okay. im on a plane." I continued to look and found my bag. when I opened it I saw a brochur for paris. "Wasn't I gonna go there once school was out?" then it hit me. this was how I was meant to die. And go figure it would have been this summer.  The plane had started to shake violently and the pilot said it was nothing to worry about. But of course people worried. Just when I thought it couldnt get any worse it did. The plane engine on the left hand side blew up.
Screams could be heared all around the air plane. Trying to stay calm I make my way to the window seat where my bag was. the left side was disappearing before everyone elses eyes. If you were not ripped out by the air and wht seemed like your being thrown into the engine, then the flying bits of what had gotten caught in the engine would. We were heading down now which is obvious 'cause you can feel it. I thought for sure the rest of us were going to die when we hit the ground but then again I was wrong. The right side of the plane blew up as well and now all that was left was literally the middle of the plane. if sat in the back you were dead in a matter of minuites. noticing that the people who sat in the middle where not yet harmed I decided to crawl my way up making sure to dodge loggege..  the oxygen masks have offically come down to peoples faces but as some were already knocked out those who put them on were soon caught in the fire of the engines.
As the fire roared and people screams continued I carefully got my way up to the pilots cabin. I smelled burning flesh and made a digusted face. great now all I got to die is stay here and hopefully die when we reach the ground. I thought to myself. but as it turned out fate had something else planned for me.  The fire had caught and spread and pretty soon it was caught up to me. I had no choice but to go into the cabin and was horror struck with what I had found. Before I could even say anythign the plane hit the ground and was swallowed in the flames.
 It seemed like I was forever in the darkness. I couldnt feel, see, or touch anything. I couldnt tell if my eyes were opened or closed. I couldnt remember anything. As if I was attached to a magnet, I began to feel like I was being pulled backwards. Being able to do nothing I let it take me to where it was leading me. If it was leading me.

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