Monday, July 19, 2010

chapter 3


Clicking the enter button on the website a voice came out of no where and said

welcome, yume, michiyo, and ayi. Ayi jumped alittle. " wow how does it know who we are. and if we are all here?" ayi whispered frantically. neither of us anwesered her. Like a movie tralier on a website one showed up and did the same thing. "well thats neato." I said almost in a gaze. " yea but its still creepy how it knows our names." michiyo said. me and ayi nodded in agreement. " lets see." ayi mummbled looking around the page. it had three options, quiz to see who you are, about us, and to contact us. " hey we can do the quiz." she said pointing.

"okay." I said clicking. ayi and michiyo please leave the room. They both nodded to the ocmputer and left. I sighed and pressed the start button.
1. Which one of these words do you like best?
A. Magic
C.past and present
D. None of the above.
I pressed A and continued on to the  second question. by the time it was done all I wanted to do was stand up and let the others take their quizzes. When the results showed for me to be a spell caster I was confused and happy. I asked  out loud " whats the difference between a spell caster and a witch?" I got no response instead the voice said  so you got it, so shall you be. thank you for taking the quiz please send in the next person.  I obedently got up and sent ayi in. after about a good twenty minutes she came out with a huge smile on her face and she said " woo! nothing is as awesomer then what I got. michiyo good luck!" she rolled her eyes and went in. after another twenty minuties she opened the door with the same expression on her face before she closed the door to take the test " you guys can come back in." she said walking to the bad where the laptop layed. we both got in and ayi closed the door behind her.
I took control of the laptop once more and asked " so what did you guys get?" I was nervous and a little shaky. I wasn't sure if I should believe in what a quiz told me or not. soemthing was telling me I should. " I got a vampire!" she said while striking a pose. " I got a shapshifter. what about you yume?" I glanced up at the ceiling and said " oh I just got a spell caster."  I refreshed the page so that the homepage showed up as soon as it did the voice came back and said. It is time to realise who and what you are. when you are ready to leave this world call this number. 458-689-leave. Be warned though once you accept, you can never go back.  The website disapered and we were back at google. " so in other words we are going to have to die right?" ayi said standing up and looking at me worried. " seems like it  although I think - and im not sure - that we might be come back to life as what the quiz told us we are." michiyo said standing up as well.
" And of course we cant tell them." I added as I headed toward the door and opening it. we walked down the hallway and I asked " where to?" " they said they would be at the libary." said michiyo. I nodded and headed toward the libary.

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