Saturday, July 17, 2010

Chapter 2

Breakfast went by a little too fast and once we said we said our 'see you later' and 'talk to you later' and we went to our dorms. "Hey yume I'll be right back." ayi said leaving the room. I didnt have time to answer her. I exited out of the bathroom and sighed. why... I thought to myself. I shook my head and sat down on my bed. I heared a crunching sound and quickly stood up. where I sat layed an invlope. weird, I could have sworn that wasn't there before. I thought to myself. I opened up the involope to see a beautifuly scripted letter.
Dear Miss.Marisol,
It is our pleasure to inform you that you have been invited to attend the acadamy of misery. you are not to tell anyone about this. you have three days in which to accept or deny. If you are interested, please go onto our website . we look forward to seeing you.
The staff of The Acadamy Of Misery.
I sighed and said out loud with sarcasim" great. could this get any better?" everyone had little to no knowledge of this place. They said mental people were only allowed in that acadamy or people with gifts, or speacil needs. so is this letter telling me I might be mental, have a gift, or have speacil needs? I rolled my eyes. yea right. get a hold of yourself girl. your just freaking yourself out. but how am I suppose to tell everyone? Then ayi interuppted my thoughts. " hey twin. Im back. you wouldnt believe what I am about to tell you." I looked up at her through the door. "twin we need to talk." I said nervously. she looked back at me worried. "Is this about me sharing a room with you. 'cause if it is I can just go back to my old room." she said trying to reasure me. I shook my head " nope. thats not it."
She sat on the bed with me and without each other realizing it we both said at the same time " there's no other way in putting this, so here." we both handed each other the same letter. we stared at the two similar yet different letters then at each other. "so you-" she cut me off " got the same letter as me!" I rolled me eyes. " twin do you have any idea what this means?" she asked excitedly. " we're freaks?" " that and we gotta look this up!" she said handing me my laptop. " heh. well this is weird." we both looked to the door to see michiyo standing there holding the same letter. "michi. you too?" ayi asked even more excited. she nodded and came in. she took a seat next to me and said "well this is interesting." we nodded and I logged into the website.

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