Friday, July 16, 2010

Chapter 1

I sat up, my eyes weren't half open. " ugh." I muttered looking at the alarm clock. The clock began to go off and I groaned. " why is that thing even set? Im on vacation." I shrugged. " great, now I got to turn it off." I picked up the alarm clock and threw it against the door. " Good morning Yume!" sand ayi as she twriled her way to my bed. " what the hell? what are you doing here?" she laughed. "silly we share the same you are losing it already and you just got up!" she yanked me out of bed and dragged me out of the room. "come on! everybody is down stairs and they are wai-" she stopped short of her sentence. " what are you wearing? dear lord twin what is up with your hair?" ayi asked. we weren't twins but we have been best friends for so long that we have been calling each other twins.
" I just woke up remember?" she made a ticking sound and said "oh well, we are your friends we will understand." she said not caring for what I had just said. We walked into the dinning area and ayi pushed me into a chair " good morning yume." amaya said " girl what is with your hair?" miki asked." and your outfit? you look like your still in your pajamas." Micjiyo said. " Thats because she is." Eric said. I sighed " good morning little sis." amaya giggled and said " you must have slept well." I waved a hand at her. " whatever sis." I said. " yes my hair is a wreck, yes Im still in my p.j.s and yes I just woke up." I looked around. " wheres phi?" " Shes getting you your breakfast." rei answered.
A plate sat in front of my face. "thanks phi." she smiled and said "good morning." Jack, and kaze sat down along with phi and jack asked " have any interesting dreams last night?" " yea actually I did." I anwsered almost proudly. " Well thats a good thing 'cause your hair is a rats nest." kaze answered. I shrugged and amaya said " yume you have to read what I wrote last night." she handed me the paper and I began to read. I was shocked and amazed. The story was about my dream and the only thing different was the poem at the bottom that sounded like a warning.
Be Careful for the future
the battle will soon begin
To keep alive
What was once was fought over
The day break will rise
As the night falls to an end.
"Whats today?" I asked sunddenly. "Saturday." rei answered. I nodded. " why?" eric asked. I shooked my head and motioned for amaya to come over to where I was. she soon stood next to me and I whispered low enough for only her to hear " is this some kind of warning?" she shrugged which meant that she had no idea. " hey I only wrote it, doesn't mean that I get any of it." she walked back and took her seat. " so whats up?" michiyo asked worried. " I had the same dream last night of what you wrote down." I said not sure weather that was an answer. we looked at each other. " michi?" eric asked. "yea eric?" was her response " never ask that in the morning again." she nodded. " you guys didnt even read it!" I exclaimed. " well yea but dont forget Theres light in here and we can read backwards." miki said pointing with her fork. " yea and not to mention that we are all friends." rei said pointing around us.

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