Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Chapter 7

My eyes began to open and my vision was blurry. As my vision cleared I heared murrmurs saying "shes waking up." my vision fully returned and when I looked around I was in a white room on a not so comfy bed. the lady at the desk was here along with two other people. I groaned and tried to sit up. " welcome back." said the lady to the right. " welcome to your new life." said the lady who was at the desk. " let us introduce ourselves. I am the voice that talked to you before and now. My name is Clarssie.To my right is principal Witherspoon and to my left is your instructor who will tell you everything you need to know." they nodded their heads in acknowledgement. I finally was able to sit up and I just stared at the blanket. " why can't I remember anything?"  The instuctor spoke up " you will remember eventually. As for now your might want to change your name." I looked up at her "why?" she smiled "Because its a new life. a new life is a name beginning." I smiled I knew exactly what I wanted my name to be.
As the princiapal and Clarssie talked the instructor handed me abook. I sighed " so are we just gonna sit here and talk or show me around the place?" I got up and they help me take my stuff to the dorms.  As we passed the hallways I saw my friends waking up and some still laying down. " dont worry once we get you suited in we will come back to get them." the princpal said. I nodded and continued on. They handed me a key and told me where my room is and left to go see the others. I walked to building ten and was surprised by how neat it was. you would think with all these people here it would be a mess.
I climbed the stairs and entered my room. I questioned as to who I would be staying here with. I found my luggage by the bed with a note. I ignored the note and proceed to unpack. I figured everyone was still in class. I sighed and sat on my new bed. everything looked the same but felt so different. Its like starting a new school where you know no one but this time you know some people.I was intruppted by a knock on the door. kaze was standing there with his stuff. " hey." he looked different now. but then again I probably did to. "hey." he came in and put his stuff next to the other bed. " something wrong?" he asked reading my face. I shrugged " I dont know. I can't remember a thing!" he looked at me confused " just give it some time it'll all come back." I nodded " hey what are you going to change your name to?" he asked me. I smiled and said " what I've always wanted it to be Maia Asherah." kaze chuckled. " wow ocean names. what do they mean again?" he asked sarcastically. " come one you know. Star of the sea is Maia and she who walks by the sea is Asherah. " he laughed and I asked " what about you?" he looked at me and said " easy. Nahuel Cheveyo." I nodded and said " heh. nice." he smiled and there came another knock on the door.
We both looked up and saw Eric and jack standing there. eric holding a key in one hand and jack smiling with the other saying " coolio!" apperently they heared our conversation.
After a few minutes of talking everyone had come into our room " I think its time we left to unpack." amaya said.  The rest of them nodded and left to go unpack " wow some of them have some weird names." I answered. kaze nodded and said "what now?" I shrugged and said " I dont know."

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