Monday, August 9, 2010

Chapter 17

      As we walked out to the dorms Alessia asked " So we don't have to go back to class?" " Nope. we pretty much get six weeks off.." Scarlet mumbled. " Hey we should be excited. ya know, we are getting one more step ahead so we can go somewhere. once we are out of the school." Crimson said trying to reassure us. I nodded in agreement. " Who knows theres probably some adventure waiting for us." That got everyone to perk up. " Oh have you figured out why and who the prophecy is for?" Crimson whispered as we fell behind. I shrugged and said " I got a fewe ideas about who it could be for but Im not sure. I dont know why professer Massacre told me too read it. I haven't found anything that could help me just yet." " Maybe she wants you to read that whole section." Crimson suggested. I nodded " I personally thinks she wants me too as well. but hey we'll find out sooner or later." " I seriously think its made for us." Crimson said as if knowing. " I know, I think we all know but want me to make sure that its correct." I walked up the stairs to my dorm and sighed " I'll find out tonight." Without looking for a reaction or waiting for a reply I entered my room to continue with my reading.
               I skipped chapter 41 since it was basically about what was going on with the kingdoms and other stuff and went to chapter 42. I sighed as I began to read.
                                            Chapter 100:
                                               How the school came to be.

    To make up for the sorry efforts, Mother earth decides as an apology present that they should make a school on earth. When word began to spread, everyone wanted to voice their own opnion. People held riots against those who approved of it and some even faced the Leaders head on. The leaders how ever were speectical of it. knowing that if they said yes or no they could lose half their kingdoms.
     War began to break out in the kingdoms and everything was falling apart. The leaders did not try to entervene, fearing that the other side will think they are against them and would want to leave, making the other team thinking they got the upper hand and are going to win. one day, An orcale came to each of the kingdoms and once she faced the council she said
" A group of childern will come along,
Knowing whats their path ahead,
Facing dangers which will lead,
To final distiny for the future,
Be careful for the future,
The battle will soon begin,
To keep alive,
That was once fought over,
The day break will rise,
As the night falls to an end."
        I stopped reading. This was made for us. I knew it, and they knew it. I picked up the book and when I opened the door and looked out I happily saw my friends sitting on the couches talking to one another. I put the book in one hand making sure to remember the page and closed the door. I raced down the steps and said " We were right. this is made for us." I gave them the book that was opened to the page I had just read. " Great." Phi said in a monotone voice. " what ever is gonna happen, is going to happen soon, I can feel it." Amaya said. " So does that mean we are going on with it?" Apollo asked. I nodded " Its either that or weather we like it or not it will happen just like it says."

( sorry for the fact that its short lol)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Chapter 16

              Scarlet reached into her purse and took out an old reciet and pen and used the blank side to write a note and sent it to everyone around the table. Once everyone looked at it and sent it around it was my turn to ask a question. So you think they know? I gave it to everyone around the table and I skimmed through the answers and read the most disturbing one which was from none other then the person to my left. Adam
Of couse they know thats why they are all looking at us. They are jealous that we showed them that we are ready to progress onward with our learning and we are one step ahead of them to getting into our new world. I looked at him and was surprised to see him look back beifly. We all got up and left way before lunch was over and as soon as we left the talking pressumed but only in whispers.
           We all walked back to the office and we waited the remander of the lunch time for the principal, Clarssie, and Professer Massacre. They didn't arrive till the bell rand signaling that our lunch was over and that classes were to resume. "Welcome back." Said Clarssie. " Im taking it you had a very akward lunch period?" Professer Massacre asked. " Yea it was creepier then the ereeie feeling you get when you think someone is watching you or something." Alessia muttered. the principal smiled and said " Well I'm pretty sure you know why." We nodded and we followed Professer Massacre to the principals office. Clarssie shut and locked the door. Ok thats not weird at all I thought to myself. " Don't worry its so know one can evasdrop or come in." Crimson said knowing exactly what was going on and what I was thinking.
         " Alright, Starting  six weeks from now you guys will be on your way to learninga bout your powers and moving on to society. Be lucky, you guys are way more advanced then we thought you would be. Some people we've seen that are starting out don't know their powers. Some that are in the buildings you'll be going to don't even know how to control it." Some of us felt reasurred knowing we'd be put in advanced classes. " But we won't ever see each other again." Amaya murrmured. " Sure you will. you guys can go visit each other and talk and stuff like that." Clarssie said waving a hand. That reassured us even more. " You guys are not to attend classes for the rest of the week so you can get ready to move." The principal said as she dismissed us.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Chapter 15


      The room looked like a labortory. It was all white and hald of it was blocked off between glass and what seemed like contorls. I walked inside the glass chamber and said" okay what do I do now." Clarssie talked " Well you say you can use magic. so the simplist thing we can think of doing is giving you a candle that you have to try to light up without ant matches.. and since you claim to have magic we don't know what to expect so we are prepared for anything." I nodded and turned myself to face the table with a single candle. I took a deep breath and snapped my fingers. the whole room turned blue. I looked around confused. " cool!" Aurore said. I snap my finger again and im outside the door. " whoa." Ethan and apollo said. I snaped my fingers again and I was back inside and the lights were out. I snapped them one ore time and I was back to where I started. I sighed and got close to the table. I tried one more random thing. which was pluck off the stem of the candle. I took it between my Index finger and thumb. I tried taking it off only to have them slid up and the candle lit up.
                 I stared at the candle dumbfounded. " wow should have tried that sooner." I mummbled walking out with the others laughing and some even saying " wow all that for nothin." Even clarssie was giggling. After everyone one was done they continued with Alessia and Aurore. " Alright. Every Vampire has basic things like Strength, and Speed." They both gave their nods telling them they could hear them and were listening. " So, we are going to start with those basics and hopefully if your a speacial talent vampire like most are, you show that power in due time. be aware that your memories of the past will come back in flashes. Like a life you lived and see but can never remember in detail." Said the principal.
                 She gave a nod to Clarssie and she pressed a few buttons. The scenery began to change and Professer Massacare spoke " These are your oponents. Show no mercy. they are only test subjects."  Aurore and Alessia gave their nods and the two oponents began their attack.  before anyone can even blink both Alessia and Aurore were on their butts blinking. " Wow that was awkward." Alessia said trying to stand up. " I didn't even seem them doing anything!" Exclaimed Aurore. Each time they would try to stand up they would both be knocked down. " Wow they weren't kidding when they said vampires have speed." Alessia mummbled. Aurore didn't answer. Instead she said closed her eyes and said " Well if we can't see them we have to try something else. like maybe sensing." Alessia looked at her dumbfounded " How are we suppose to do that?!" " Hush!" Aurore said waving a hand at her. Alessia grumbled and crossed her arms. When Aurore closed her eyes and consentrated she could have sworn that she felt everything slow down.
            As if in perfect view she saw the person standing to her right. she stood up careful not to open her eyes and stood ready to attack. The guy began running toward her and she easily doged and took the guys arms and pulled them roughly back causing the guy to get on his knees and wince in agony. Alessia blinked and said " oh okay. Well if your gonna do that I want to see if I can hit the guy for knocking me on my butt." Alessia stood up and with taking a guess she threw a punch with her right hand and to her surprise it hit the oponent and sent him flying into the wall. " Wow alessia." Aurore mummred. "Wow that was a lucky shot." The scenerary disappeared and both girls walked out. " Alessia your such a dork."  Xavier said. " Yea. But im a boy crazed dork." She said with a shrug. " And your our dork." Amaya said giving a nod.
       The rest of us finshed up our tests and we learned a few things. Turns out the quickest way for tsuritsa to turn into a lycan is to get her mad. Phi can control fire with her emotions, Xavier and Ethan can control each others oppisite elements, and Nahuel can change into any animal he comes in contact with. The Principal told us to go get some lunch and when we come back they'll talk to us a little bit more about something. what it is though, they never told us. At the cafetera people stared at us wondering why we came to lunch. They all proably thought we were sick or something. We sat down at our usual table and ate our lunch a little uncomfortable considering it was quiet and people were staring.